Friday, March 27, 2009

I have been at it for one week!!

Yesterday was my one week mark. I am too scared to get on the scale so I will be waiting a couple weeks. I want to keep the motivation I have and the scale would haunt me. I am eating my meals and working my body. I feel different, not like the other countless times I have "tried" to lose weight. THIS TIME I AM CHANGING HABITS AND MY LIFE STYLE!!! My clothes (pants) are feeling loose in the hips which is WONDERFUL. I talked to Tamara and she asked me what she could do to help me reward myself. I just want results!! I haven't had a cheat meal. Cheat meals are the reason I look the way I do. They say one won't hurt I say LOOK AT THE ONES that took drugs one time and now are hooked and WHO CAN EAT JUST ONE COOKIE LOL !!! I know that is a radical way to look at it thatis how I am feeling right now about the foods I use to eat...... TO BIG OF A TEMPTATION so I am avoiding cheat meals at the moment!

Thanks to all of you that inspire me!!!!

1 comment:

Sharee said...

Good job Hime.. I'm proud of you :)